I've been taking some time going through the pictures, reliving events through your eyes a bit. It's been a wonderful experience - you saw so much that we did not, that we could not. As much as that record is invaluable in and of itself, there are also many shots in there that are just artistically gorgeous.
I want to thank you for this gift - it's a big one and a good one and one that is so gratefully received - you really have no idea.
I'm having a hard time coming up with a way to tell you how grateful we are to you for having done all this. Perhaps we can take you out to a fine fine meal when we make it to Chicago??
Hello! You never told us you are a photographer. These pictures are marvelous!!! This is Wissam, the deranged med student. Yeah, yeah, I'm doing a background check as you never answer you phone! P.S. The bean is much better at night ( I finally went there!) :)
I've been taking some time going through the pictures, reliving events through your eyes a bit. It's been a wonderful experience - you saw so much that we did not, that we could not. As much as that record is invaluable in and of itself, there are also many shots in there that are just artistically gorgeous.
I want to thank you for this gift - it's a big one and a good one and one that is so gratefully received - you really have no idea.
I'm having a hard time coming up with a way to tell you how grateful we are to you for having done all this. Perhaps we can take you out to a fine fine meal when we make it to Chicago??
Hello! You never told us you are a photographer. These pictures are marvelous!!! This is Wissam, the deranged med student.
Yeah, yeah, I'm doing a background check as you never answer you phone!
P.S. The bean is much better at night ( I finally went there!) :)
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